Brad Bass

Production Sound Mixer

My name is Brad, and I am a native of Nashville, Tennessee, where I work in and around the TV and film business. I’m a production sound mixer available for commercial, scripted, documentary, and reality projects. In addition to capturing audio on set, I also have many years experience in post, sound designing and mixing both long-form and short videos. My job has taken me across the country, and I’m fortunate to collaborate with some of the most talented people in this industry.

When I’m not mixing for TV and film, I spend the majority of my time in my studio mastering albums for a production music library called Bigger Story Music. We write, record, and deliver some of the best sounding music in the world! You’ll hear our songs in a movie, show, commercial, or video game and not even know it!

Before that, I worked at First Avenue Sound, a small recording studio in downtown Franklin, Tennessee. Starting out as an intern, I soon found myself assisting, and eventually engineering and producing my own projects. I learned how the Nashville music business works at this place, and I was fortunate to be in the room while some really great songs were being made.

Sound has always been important to me, ever since I was a kid learning how to record music in my best friend’s grandpa’s garage. The collaboration between creative individuals was always my favorite thing about being in the studio, and it’s no different on set. Every department is critical to the success of the overall production, and it’s my dream job to help bring so many unique stories to life.

Shoot me an email if you want to talk about working together!

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upcoming production!

Why is sound SO


Recording clean dialog on a set is crucial because it forms the backbone of your story. Good sound ensures that the audience can clearly understand the people speaking, follow the narrative, and emotionally engage with the video without distractions or confusion.

Quality sound helps convey the story, emotions, and character intentions effectively. It ensures that the audience doesn’t miss key information or subtleties in the message.

Hiring a competent production sound mixer provides a solid foundation for post-production work. It allows for easier editing, mixing, and sound design processes. Poorly captured dialog might require extensive editing, or even re-recording, which can be time-consuming and costly.

High-quality audio reflects professionalism in filmmaking. It elevates the overall production value, and contributes significantly to the audience's perception of the video’s quality.

To ensure I capture the performance as intended, I employ various techniques and equipment, such as properly placing high-quality microphones, controlling background noise as much as the location allows, and capturing room tone for editing consistency. All of these efforts contribute to creating a more immersive and engaging experience for your audience.

We should work


Bigger Story Music is a production music library founded in 2019 by Nashville music business veterans Ken Lewis and Scott Dente. The boys brought me on to oversee all post-production, which includes meticulously editing each track, mastering to perfection, and delivering each album worldwide to a variety of renowned film editors and music supervisors. I even created a custom piece of software to manage their extensive database of two thousand tracks and counting.

Are you looking for the perfect piece of music for your next podcast, TV show, or film? Click the button below!